

We are proud of our work and would love to share our model. Below are some resources, posters and articles about our work.

Case Management Policies and Procedures
Referral form

Directly Observed Therapy

DOT Contract
Sample DOT Log

Published Articles

CDC Estimated Perinatal Infections 2002-2013
Perinatal HIV Testing and Diagnosis in Illinois
Ready or Not
AZT Availability in Illinois
Mothers on the Margins


Statewide implementation of repeat rapid 2020
Repeat Third Trimester Testing in Illinois, 2017
Sustainability of Statewide Rapid HIV Testing, 2015
Challenges in HIV testing and Diagnosis, 2011

Additional Resources

Rapid Testing and Hotline forms

Prenatal Classes

Session 1 (HIV 101, HIV in pregnancy, how medication works for prevention, privacy)
Session 2 (Reproductive health, STIs, Planning for delivery, disclosure choices)
Session 3 (Nutrition, Pregnancy and HIV)
Session 4 (Newborn care, Clinical trial participation, infant feeding, immunizations, HIV prevention medication for newborns)


For more on how we are managing COVID-19 impacts or to help our mission, please visit our COVID-19 Response page.